Monthly Archive: June, 2012

Jquery .bind + .on

These two event handlers do basically the same thing, with .bind having a slight advantage. The are both used to add an event to a selection; you could writh the jquery like this:… Continue reading

Jquery selecting more than one class.

Just something I noticed might sound obvious but here it is; $(.class1, .class2, .class3).on(mouseenter, function){ blah blah… } really easy, just add a “,” after the origina class and a space. “.class2, .class3”.… Continue reading

Adding a class with Jquery :] (+Removing a class)

me, I’m Totally new to Jquery, but its quite easy to manager simple events and tasks. To add a class with Jquery is really simple; $(“.x”).addClass(“MyClass”); $(“.x”).removeClass(“Myclass”); easy right? the “$” in jquery… Continue reading